All ages welcome

First Response Training
Built for Modern Technology

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Developed in partnership with local police & fire departments - experience 6 degrees of freedom with immersive sound.
virtual reality headset
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VR police training is a powerful companion to traditional methods, offering immersive simulations for scenarios too costly or dangerous to replicate in real life. Instead of static scenes, our platform provides a dynamic environment designed to leverage the years of training expertise of real people to respond to the words and actions of trainees in real time. Our current scenarios focus on traffic stops & active shooting events, ensuring comprehensive preparedness for rapidly escalating dangers.


Our Smoke Diver-like Search & Rescue sim allows trainers to control safe versions of unpredictable environments such as low visibility interiors with a risk of flashover. VR offers the ability to rapidly redeploy a simulated training environment with functionally endless variables, allowing trainees to train to exhaustion and develop critical decision making skills without using a large amount of resources.

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